Wednesday, March 28, 2007

From My Depths

It would approximately be three days before the final examinations, which would signal the end of the school year. It had been a tough year for me, and for all others I know. We went through so much just to survive this year in college.
Anyway, instead of preparing for the exam, I chose to slack around and open up my Friendster profile. I ended up viewing my Friendster blog, which, unfortunately, got a taste of my laziness to post entries. I found this poem posted two years ago.
Honestly, I was surprised by the emotion/s that hit me when I read the poem. I couldn't anymore remember what I was undergoing at the time of its crafting, yet I could feel its depth and soul.
I really have no idea where I get the words that come into heart when the sudden burst of urge to write stanzas hit me. All I'm sure of is that each and every word is from the depths of me.


Faces float
Like silhouettes
In the wind.
Zombies jumping,
Dancing with
The deathly beat
Of the paranoia song.
The doppelganger
Singing to the tune
Of the murdered girl’s
I’m defunct.
Watch me fall
To the pit.
The abyss of
FYI: Alle in French is pathway.

1 comment:

Grace D. Chong said...

I could feel its depth and soul as well. I guess that's what verse does to a reader -- it transports him to places unknown and yet very familiar.